четверг, 24 мая 2018 г.

What is the difference between the led SMART-tape from the usual RGB-color tape

Modern lighting technologies have left far behind incandescent lamps, the efficiency of which is minimal in comparison with LEDs. The market for led products is growing at an incredible rate, and almost every day there are new products. And when users search for products they are interested in, they often find descriptions that contain the phrases "SMART tapes" or "RGB colored tapes". It should be noted that despite their apparent similarity, these two products have different characteristics.
What is the difference between SMART-tape and other led strips? First of all, the fact that it has digital drivers or chips. The data for these drivers is sent over the digital bus. Another feature of them is that they are able to control each individual (or several) LEDs individually, that is, so that the control process does not affect other LEDs (using a simple RGB-tape is impossible).
RGB-ленты SMART-ленты


Assume that you are going to purchase an led strip. What do you need to know about her management? Basically, for this you will rather have a simple controller for RGB-tape, which has a function of brightness control (dimming). For the most part, these controllers are pretty simple, and they should have at least three channels of brightness control, namely R (red), G (green), and b (blue) channels. The fact is that if you need to provide and show different colors, then this function is necessary.
RGB-контроллер и схема подключения


В этом случае для контроля вам понадобится цифровой LED-контроллер.
You can use SMART tapes when you need to, for example, create decorative lighting. They are also used with video screens or information boards, whether they are located indoors or outside. These tapes are controlled by digital controllers for SMART-tapes, which are Autonomous and subordinate (offline and online controllers, respectively). They can also be light-music and programmed (console).
SMART-контроллер Диммер
If you use a digital LED controller, you can control each pixel of the led strip separately, and this will not affect the other pixels. Programs are written either in the offline mode, i.e. on SD card or transferred on-line, that is, by the Ethernet Protocol. For their writing software LedEdit or LedBuild is used.


The digital controller is not equipped with dimming channels. Instead, it has a digital IC bus: for WS2811 or WS2812B, it is DAT (DATA), and for WS2801, it is optional CLK (Clock). It provides all the information for each individual pixel of the SMART tape.
Схема покдлючения SMART-контрллера
As we can see, the digital LED controller reads the information from the SD card and transmits it according to the data sheet to the SMART-tape.
TO control the smart-tape LEDs, use the led driver IC chip. Currently, there are a large number of different SMART-tapes, for exampleWS2801, WS2811, WS2812B.
Not so long ago appeared on the market the new SMART-strip WS2813. It's the new WS2812B strip with dual line data transmission. Thanks to this feature, the remaining diodes continue to work even if one led is out of order. In strips WS2813 uses the same digital controller as in the previous series WS2811 and WS2812b. Wiring diagram WS2813 and its contrast to the WS2812B are listed below:
Подключение SMART-ленты Отличия WS2812B и WS2813

 For SMART-strips WS2811  is a great controller and simple wiring diagram: